
Frequently aked Questions (FAQs) :

Q: What are the main causes of infertility?
A: Infertility is caused by several factors. This is how we categorize the causes
Due to Female factors: 40%
Due to male factors: 40%
Due to combined factors: 10%
Rest 10% has no cause and is categorized under unexplained fertility.

Q: Why should a couple seek help of infertility specialist?
A: If a couple fails to have a baby inspite of one year of unprotected sexual contact, they should
consult a qualified infertility specialist/ Gynecologist.

Q: What are the common causes of Childlessness?
A: Traditionally, in our society the blame of childlessness always used to be on wife.Both husband
and wife are responsible for the birth of baby so the problem could be in either of the partners or
both. In males, cause may be less numbers of sperms & poor quality of sperm or nil sperms, while in
females the main reason are deficient egg formation, hormonal disturbances, blocked tube,
endometriosis, tuberculosis and other infections. 15-20% of all couples may show no obvious cause
but are unable to have a baby on their own.

Q: Is the treatment of infertility Expensive?
A: All infertility treatments need not be very expensive and there are lots of simplified and cost
effective treatments available which are employed to give suitable outcome in most of the patients.
However it is recommended to have baseline investigations so as to know the exact line of treatment.
Only a small percentage of patients need to go for expensive treatments like test tube baby.
However, there is no shortcut and if more advanced and costly treatments like IVF is required then
one should not delay it, as age is an important factor in conception. We always try to minimize the
cost of all procedures to give maximum benefits to couples.

Q: What are the various treatment options for Nil sperms in male partner?
A: It depends upon the cause, which can be known by few investigations. If it is due to less hormones
than the treatment is done by medicines, if the cause is flow obstruction than sperms can be
retrieved surgically and used in IVF/ICSI. In case of damaged testes, no medicine or surgery helps. So
we offer frozen donor semen from sperm bank.

Q: Is there any treatment for damaged tubes?
A: Treatment depends on nature and extent of damage. I would like to clarify that there is no
medication for correcting tubal damage. So, if there is minimal damage, then by laparoscopic surgery,
tubes can be opened and results can be expected.otherwise for tubal factor. Cornual block can be
opened by hysteroscopy and tubal cannulation.

Q: What is actually Test Tube Baby or IVF?
A: Normally, fertilization and early development takes place in fallopian tube. In IVF or test tube
baby , eggs are extracted in a test tube and then fertilized with husband’s sperms in IVF lab. Initial
development of embryo occurs outside the body for 2-3 days, then growing embryo is transferred
back into the uterus .Rest of the development takes place as in normal pregnancy. IVF is one of the
greatest advancement of this century which has given hope of parenthood to millions of couples

Q: Is procedure very painful?
A: No, Not at all. Only egg retrieval requires mild anesthesia otherwise rest of the procedure is
completely painless and no anesthesia or hospitalization is required. It’s a day care treatment.

Q: Is it 100% successful?
A: No, all procedure have got some limitations. At an average success rate is 35-40% per cycle which
increase up to 60% if a patient goes for 3-4 cycles. This success rate should be seen in comparison
with normal fertility which is also same for any given population for corresponding period. As of
female is an important factor for successful outcome. Younger patients have higher chances of
conception then patients per cycle.

Q: If I conceive, will my baby will be normal?
A: Lacs of babies have been born following IVF. These healthy babies show there is no increased risk
of abnormality in IVF conceived babies compared to those conceived naturally.

Q: Is there any physical risk to me?
A: With vaginal ultrasonic egg collection, you may be rest assured that this procedure is certainly no
more risky with a properly performed laparoscopy. We are proud to share that , Aarogya IVF Centre
has performed thousands of ultrasonic egg collection there have been no problems or accidents
reported, so it is clear that the test tube baby treatment is relatively very safe procedure.

Q: Will there be any hormonal imbalance due to the excessive hormones given?
A: No proven long – standing side effects occur after the treatment cycle. However, during the course
of the treatment one may have symptoms related to ovarian hyperstimulation.

Q: Can I exercise as usual?
A: Yes, but water sports and exhaustive exercises are prohibited.
Q: What if IVF fails the first time? How many times will I have to undergo it?
A: You can go through IVF as many times as you wish but we advise 3-4 cycles at the most. After this
it is advised to consider other options such as oocyte, sperm, embryo donation or surrogacy as they
may appear to be the most feasible procedures for a successful pregnancy.

Q: How much time does one successful treatment of IVF take?
A: At present, the injections for down regulation of hormones are started on day 21 of the previous
menstruation cycle. In 10 to 14 days, menstruation starts. Now with GnRh antagonists down
regulation from previous cycle is not required as the agonists and can be started from day 6 of
stimulation cycle. Active treatment for IVF starts on day 2 of the menstruation cycle and is carried
through to day 14 to 15 of cycle, when embryo transfer is carried out. After another 14 days, a
pregnancy test is done to confirm the occurrence of pregnancy. In all, it takes about 40 days from the
start of treatment to know whether treatment has been successful.

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